is highly used in Ayurveda. We even call our dear ones as honey. This says
about the value of sweet and sticky fluid in our life.
can take honey both internally and outwardly.It
acts as a natural preservative and a sweetener.A
mixture of honey with cinnamon powder boosts the immune system.
a pinch of black pepper with the spoon of honey after meals cures the cough
with mucus.
intake of carrot juice with 2 teaspoons of honey, one hour before breakfast
improves one’s eyesight.Mix
2 teaspoons of ginger juice with equal quantity of honey. This drink will give
you the aid for cough, common cold, and sore throat issues.
is a boon for the one who suffers from weak digestion. It helps in proper
digestion and put a stop to the stomach diseases.
a spoon of fresh honey with a glass of lemon juice as a treatment for constipation
and hyperacidity. Fasting on this drink helps to handle the obesity without
loss of appetite and energy.
is used as a remedy for anaemia and it helps to maintain the right balance of red
blood corpuscles and haemoglobin.
is also used for healing eye diseases, thirst, hiccups, cough, obesity,
vomiting, diarrhea, asthma, diabetes, worm infestation, and wounds.
enrich your health, use honey in your life!
Research by NatturaBio
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