Monday, 26 May 2014

Health and Cloves (Grambu)

Cloves are nothing but the dried aromatic flower buds of a tree. We call it as Grambu in Tamil.  Cloves may look tiny, but really they are gigantic in health and nutrition.  They are very good sources of minerals and are packed with antioxidants. Cloves are antibacterial, anti-fungal, analgesic, and antiseptic and are used in Ayurvedic medicines.
Cloves are used for cooking purposes as a flavouring agent. Interestingly, they go well with both the sweet and spicy dishes.

The clove oil that is made from stems, leaves, buds have healthful properties and is used in the manufacture of toothpastes, mouth wash, soaps, and perfumes.
The use of Grambu for toothache is a general home remedy in India.  Just keeping and pressing a clove bud at the site of an aching tooth reduces the pain.
Cloves are excellent in curing joint pains, asthma, headache, cough, skin problems, vomiting, nausea, abdominal gas, diarrhea, and other problems related to the digestive system. Grambu is also useful for diabetic care.
In the Netherlands, cloves are used in many dishes and cuisines.

Cloves are used with cinnamon and cumin in various culinary dishes in Mexico.

In Europe, cloves are added to prepare famous mulled wines.Cloves are used to make a very popular cigarette in Indonesia. One can also get the clove cigarettes in the United States and they are very popular in the Indonesian and Indian communities there.

The essence of cloves has been used to manufacture a particular kind of perfume in China.

One can apply clove oil to get relief from insect bites. To get rid of bad breath, just put a clove in mouth. 

Those who suffer from acidity can suck a clove to alleviate the uneasiness. While massaging clove oil on sore muscles, it reduces inflammation. The scent of cloves keeps some insects away from home. They also repel the mosquitoes and so, it is considered as a natural insecticide.

Clove is an herb and we use the leaves, stems, dried flower buds, and oils to make medicine. Other herbs are used with the cloves to produce herbal medicines

  Research by NatturaBio

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