Tuesday, 21 October 2014

A Natural Remedy for Tiredness

Remedy for tiredness:

Feeling low? A feeling as if something sapped out energy from you.  Don’t worry . You are not the only one who finds a bit dragged out.  The hectic modern life with multiple pressures takes its toll on the body. What with pressure at work, long commuting hours through traffic at snail’s pace and balancing time for work and recreation, each of us feel stretched to the limits. Add to that are the factors like pollution and poor eating habits. With all of these, it is but natural that your body reacts. And you feel tired and dehydrated.

Good healthy food rich in vegetables and fruits and lots of water is the natural way to be healthy. But nowadays, even the fruits and vegetables are contaminated with pesticides and chemicals that increase their shelf life. Time to cook a balanced meal is also a problem. Even with a such a meal, often the pressures at work don’t allow you to eat on time and in quantities your body requires. The result – feeling tired.

So, where does one start to get back to the ball of energy that was you in near past. Breathing exercises, work outs and yoga are an option. But it takes time to show results. And one doesn’t have the time to indulge in any of these. After work, one is so tired that a workout in the evening is out of the question. After all, your family and friends too have their rights on you. You have to fulfil those too. Mornings are also a problem especially if you have long commuting hours or work demands that needs to be taken care before the day begins.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Calm Down Your Musculoskeletal Pain

Musculoskeletal pain affects the muscles, bones, tendons, nerves, and ligaments. It can be chronic (long-lasting) or acute (having a quick arrival with severe symptoms). Also, it can be constrained in any particular area, or wide-ranging.
The most common type of musculoskeletal pain is lower back pain. Other common types include myalgia (muscle pain), stress fractures, and tendonitis.

Causes of Musculoskeletal Pain:
Anyone can suffer musculoskeletal pain, which is most frequently caused by an injury to the joints, bones, tendons, muscles, nerves, or ligaments. This can be caused by sprains, fractures, dislocations, jerking movements, falls, car accidents, and direct blows to the muscle.

Musculoskeletal pain can also be caused by prolonged immobilization or poor posture.
Moreover, overuse syndrome can also cause musculoskeletal pain. Overuse injury affects almost 33% of adults. The most common work-related diagnosis in Western society is lower back pain from overuse.

Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Pain:
The symptoms of musculoskeletal pain differ from person to person. Also, the symptoms depend on whether it is acute or chronic and whether the pain is caused by an overuse syndrome or injury. Common symptoms include:
  • ·        Burning sensation in your muscles
  • ·         Stiffness or aching in the entire body.
  • ·         Twitching muscles
  • ·         Feeling of your muscles have been pulled or overworked
  • ·         Widespread or localized pain that worsens the movement
  • ·         Sleep disturbances
  • ·         Fatigue
Seek medical help, if you find any of the above symptoms.    

Friday, 10 October 2014

Know More about Psoriasis – A Chronic Skin Disease

Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes skin irritation. It is a chronic skin syndrome that affects 1% to 3% of the world's population. Psoriasis is non-infectious and it is commonly seen in people between 15 and 40 years of age.

Psoriasis transform the life cycle of skin cells. It triggers cells to build up swiftly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells form thick, silvery-white patches (scales) and dry, itchy, red skin with flaky that are sometimes painful.

Stopping the skin cells from growing so quickly can reduce this skin disease. Lifestyle activities, such as exposing your skin to small amounts of natural sunlight and using a nonprescription cortisone cream may also improve your psoriasis symptoms.

This skin disorder is believed to be an autoimmune disease, which means the body’s defense system affects healthy cells in the body. It makes skin cells mature and die in less than a week that is extremely fast, taking into account normal skill cells mature and replace dead ones commonly in a month’s time.
The increase of dead cells on the surface of the skin is called as plaque. Though these can appear anywhere on the body, they are more frequent in the following areas
  • Legs
  • Elbows
  • Knees
  • Hands
  • Scalp
  • Chest
  • Middle of the body
  • Back
  • Toenails
  • Fingernails
  • Folds in the buttocks and groin 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Get Relieve From Digestion Problems

Maintaining digestive health is essential to the body’s overall well-being, as 70% of the body’s immune system resides in the digestive tract. Any food that you intake, be it rice, bread, chicken, a piece of fruit, or even an apple juice, cannot be used by the body in its normal form.
Digestion is a process in which liquids and foods need to be broken down mechanically and chemically into smaller forms. To provide a source of energy and nourishment, these nutrient molecules are transferred around the body via the blood system and are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine. The collection and elimination of waste products are also a vital part of digestion. 

Healthy Digestion:
Sustaining a healthy digestive system is very important for our health and well-being. The digestion process starts when we chew and swallow something through the mouth. Our saliva has an enzyme that breaks the starch in the food into smaller particles.
The swallowed food is pushed into the esophagus that connects the stomach below with the throat above. A ring like valve blocks the way to the stomach from the esophagus, but the muscles around the ring relaxes, as the chewed food approaches, and then the food gets into the stomach part. The upper section of the stomach is a holding portion. Through the stomach muscle activity, little bits of food are pushed into the lower part of the stomach, at a time, where it mixes with stomach acid and liquids. Further, an enzyme that breaks down protein and digestive juices breaks the solid food into a liquid form. After that, it passes gradually into the small intestine.