Sunday, 14 September 2014

Underweight And Its Problems

Being underweight at any stage may cause damage to your health. Weighing a little can strengthen the immune system and gives energy to your weakened body and fragile bones.
If you are underweight, it is good to check your Body Mass Index (BMI). The body mass index is a measurement of relative weight based on an individual mass and height. If your BMI level is low, then it is clear that the weight of your healthy range is too low.
There are many reasons for being underweight. It may be due to an overactive thyroid or stress/ emotional problems or just because of a diet that doesn’t provide sufficient energy to the body.
Consult a physician if you are affected by an overactive thyroid, which is known as hyperthyroidism. Feel free to talk to someone if you think the emotional issues are stopping you from eating a proper healthy diet. If you find that your low weight is caused due to intake of the incorrect diet menu, try a balanced diet that helps you to gain a healthy weight.

Why Underweight is Bad?
Maintaining your body with low weight may cause illness. Some of the reasons are given below for yelling why underweight is not good for health.
Ø  Our body needs vital nutrients to be active and work properly. A person is likely to be getting lack of nutrients when he/she is underweight. For instance, calcium is important for strong bones. But, underweight develops the risk of osteoporosis, a type of bone disease.
Ø  When a person is not taking an adequate amount of iron products, it may result in anaemia that leaves him/her tired.
Ø  While you are underweight, your immune system is not 100% perfect. So, it is easy to catch a cold, and other infections.
Ø  Women who are underweight will find difficult during pregnancy and sometimes, may face the fertility problems.

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