Friday, 25 July 2014

Adjust your Lifestyle Based on the Daily Routine

Dinacharya – The Daily Routine:
A daily routine is important to bring essential changes in mind, body, and consciousness. The daily routine is termed as Dinacharya (dina – day & charya – behavior/routine) in Sanskrit. It is a simple way to relax and energize the body & mind. In order to be healthy, it is necessary to tune our bodies as per the nature’s master cycle, so that it regulates the function of our body’s system. Ayurveda prescribes an individual a specific daily routine to keep the digestion & metabolism (agni) in the right order, and tridoshas in a state of equilibrium. The various stages of Dinacharya begin with a morning routine as follows, and outline a routine for daily conduct that is beneficial.

Arise - Wake Up Early in the Morning:

It is always good to awake at sunrise in perfect synchronization to the natural clock, as our biological clocks are accustomed to the rising and setting of the sun. Start your day with peace and a sense of joy, which will make your whole day a pleasant.

Eliminate - Natural Urges:
 Early morning is the best and natural time to eliminate the body's physical waste. This is a time when one should not be in a rush, but should allow our body to perform the natural functions. Observe your eliminations every morning and if you find any disturbance signifying poor digestion, then go on a fast. And so, it will allow correcting the system of the body before disease sets in. Do not suppress the natural physical urges such as elimination, thirst, hunger, sleep, yawning, sneezing, flatus, ejaculation, and vomiting, since it will lead to uneasiness and even disease.